The listings below give specific web sites found to be blocked in China. Where available, each page's listing includes its HTML title, its META keywords and description, its Yahoo Directory and Google Directory category classifications, and its Google inbound …

Nearly 30,000 sites are blocked in China. It's part of the censorship from the People's Republic of China. Major websites such as Youtube and Blogspot have been blocked recently. Internet censorship in China - Wikipedia According to a Harvard study, at least 18,000 websites are blocked from within mainland China, including 12 out of the Top 100 Global Websites. The Chinese-sponsored news agency, Xinhua, stated that censorship targets only "superstitious, pornographic, violence … Taiwan Sites Among Most Blocked in China

Jul 25, 2017 · Many popular foreign websites are blocked in China. The only way to access to these sites is with a proxy or with a VPN Service, This often causes a lot of inconvenience especially for foreign travelers, expats, staff working in foreign invested companies in China, and some small business owners dealing in foreign trade, who has got used to visit these websites.

How to Access Wikipedia in China: 4 Steps (with Pictures) Try the link directly: Wikipedia sites of a particular language may be unblocked sometimes. For …

Censorship of Facebook - Wikipedia

Websites are censored in China at the behest of the government and the ruling Communist Party. Any websites or apps that undermine Party rule, or have the potential to, are typically blocked. This consists largely of western news media, social networks, and sites built on user-generated content.