Nov 08, 2017 · I notice that it doesn't "disconnect" overnight because my phone is on standby but has the wireless connection going that keeps it active even though my PCs are off. When I leave for work, I take my phone, so now there's nothing to use the wi-fi or Internet (except my printer, which is in standby mode).
I have problem with my internet for long long time about 2 months and trying to figure out and cant thing of one. I change my Mainboard and ram and power supply and other stuff in my PC. and still it wont stop Request time out for so many many request time out. now i change my Bit Torrent to Max 50 like this post said. and its work!!!!! Same thing keeps happening to me, and I KNOW it's not my internet, it literally just happened to while in the middle of the game top 5 I didn't even get to play it yesterday because of the crazy amount of lag and disconnections. It's a fun game but the servers are terrible. It's not the internet. Aug 30, 2009 · Hey there, So my problem is, I cant figure out why my computer disconnects from the internet when I stop using the computer. For example, I can be on goo I had no trouble with internet connection when I traveled away from my home for two years. Suddenly, I can't connect to the internet. Other people around me are connecting fine, but my phone says no connection and no WiFi. Feb 10, 2018 · I plugged in my iPhone to my brother's former Macbook pro (15" from 2008) and my iPhone could charge normally. Here everything I tried to resolve this issue (which failed by the way) : - I shut down and turned on my computer and my phone. - I reseted location and privacy of my phone (Devices rapidly disconnect/reconnect - Macbook Air Mid 2013).
Apr 05, 2018 · Choose the internet connection type and fill the info: like username and password. After filling the info, you can click on apply changes. Finally, your router will reboot and if settings will be correct. then your router would have the connection to the internet. You may also read about: why is my Netgear router is blinking orange?
Jul 11, 2017 · Disconnect; The next video is starting stop. Loading Watch Queue Queue. __count__/__total__ Find out why Close. Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working? Techquickie. Loading
Oct 04, 2013 · If your phone is HTC Droid DNA,then many users are facing this kind of problem.Resetting it won't fix it.Your way to fix would be disabling the Best Wifi Performance settings under Settings -->WiFi -->Advanced and uncheck Best Wifi. Feb 03, 2014 · Just switched to Spectrum internet from At&t Uverse and my wifi connection is constantly being dropped, about once every 30 mins. This kind of thing never happened with At&t. I can usually get it to reconnect immediately, but it is extremely annoying since I can't play multiplayer games. Jul 11, 2017 · Disconnect; The next video is starting stop. Loading Watch Queue Queue. __count__/__total__ Find out why Close. Why Does Your Internet Connection Randomly Stop Working? Techquickie. Loading Dec 22, 2010 · I did this just the other day and it solved my intermittent disconnect.I haven't had an issue since. Under the default Dell plan, the PC powers down the PCIe link causing the disconnect. When you run the network troubleshooter it brings the PCIe link out of sleep mode and reconnects to the internet.